Home » My Best Sourdough Bread Recipes

My Best Sourdough Bread Recipes


I’ve been making sourdough bread for so many years and developing recipes, as well. In those years I have found that I always go back to a handful of recipes. I want to share with you the best of my sourdough bread recipes that I keep coming back to in my baking.

I think it is important to have a few great recipes that just work every time. Once you have a small collection of sourdough bread recipes, you can always have bread on the table!

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My favorite tools for making bread

Easy No Knead Sourdough Bread Recipe

Sourdough loaf sliced on a cutting board

I get more comments on this bread than any other. I think it’s because it is so simple and yet so delicious.

Easiest Artisan Bread, EVER!

Lady holding an artisan loaf of sourdough bread

Everyone will think you spent so much more time on this loaf of bread. With scoring, you can make it so beautiful and impress all those at the dinner table.

Same Day Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Loaf of sourdough bread with seeds on top on a cooling rack

Simple mix up the dough in the morning, knead, shape, and put in a loaf pan to proof. Once it rises to the top of the pan, it’s ready to bake. Simple, yet delicious!

Honey Oat Sourdough Sandwich Bread

Sliced bread stacked on a cutting board

This sandwich loaf is so moist and just sweet enough! Makes the perfect sandwich bread and the best toast!

Whole Grain Kamut Sourdough Bread

Loaf of Kamut Sourdough Bread with a cup of Kamut wheat berries in the foreground

Made with freshly milled Kamut flour, the flavor can’t be beat. It is crusty on the outside and chewy on the inside. Kamut lends a buttery and nutty flavor. If you’ve never tried Kamut, you really should!

Sourdough Spelt Sandwich Bread

Overhead view of sliced loaf of bread

We love the flavor of Spelt over any other grain I use in my baking. It’s hard to describe, but, just know that any bread made with Spelt will taste so much better! I use freshly milled Spelt and the smell alone of the fresh flour is enough to make your mouth water!

Sourdough Hamburger Buns

2 Hamburger buns on a plate by a kitchen towel that is blue and white striped.

They are full of flavor and hold up to any toppings you can think of! Amp up burger night with these sourdough hamburger buns. Your family will thank you!

Sourdough Pretzel Dinner Rolls

A pretzel dinner roll with flaked salt on top sitting on a cutting board.

Just a bit more involved, believe me, the extra steps are well worth it! These rolls are the most delicious dinner rolls I have ever made! They freeze so well and have tremendous flavor. The outside is dark brown and a bit crusty while the inside is super soft and chewy!

I hope I have given you so inspiration for several different bread products to make with sourdough!

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  1. Thank you for making sourdough simple! I watched some of your videos on YouTube and it inspired me to keep going with my bread making journey! It seemed so overwhelming with all the opinions and very specific rolls.

    I love how you make things simple and enjoyable!

    I tried this recipe today and it was my first artisan style sourdough loaf! It turned out beautiful. Thank you Rose! Keep doing what you are doing and God bless!

  2. Love the way you calm all the rhetoric down around making sourdough. I am NEW to this and have my starter on day 3- doing well with rising and bubbling. I wonder if you can clearify for me how to make the sourdough bread more sour. there are so many thoughts and way on this but I trust you! Is it the starter??? the dough rising??? add vinegar??? Thank you

    1. It’s a couple of things. First, the more mature the starter the more flavor it will give to the bread. But, even more important is the temperature and length of time you allow the dough to ferment or rise. The cooler and longer you ferment the dough, the more sour it will be. The warmer and quicker rise will have much less sourdough flavor. I recommend if you want a really sour loaf is to do the first rise and then when you shape it for the second rise, put it in the fridge for up to a week. When you are ready you can take it out and bake it. The longer in the fridge, the more sour.

      1. wow thank you so much. I wouldnt have thought it would rise that long in the fridge without dying. I will try it!

      2. Wow! That’s good to know! I would have never guessed that!
        Thank you so much for making it simple. Life is already too complicated, and bread needs to be simple.

  3. Mary I have a question about leaving the 2nd rise in the refrigerator to make it more sour. What should I cover it with so it won’t dry out?

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