Learn to bake with Fresh Milled Flour this year!

Baking with fresh milled flour is such a wonderful way to add more nutrition and flavor to your bread products! Follow my simple sourdough recipes made with fresh milled flour!

Let’s talk about Sourdough

I approach Sourdough in a very simple manner. No special rules or fussy methods. Easy and fun is my motto with Sourdough!

overhead shot of a sourdough jalapeno cheddar loaf on a cutting board with some slices

A simple, beginner based guide to getting started with Sourdough!

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The Rose Homestead

My name is Mary and I have a passion for sharing my recipes for Sourdough with an emphasis on Fresh Milled Flour. My husband, Casey and I live on a tiny Homestead in the beautiful Appalachian mountains. Find all your favorite Sourdough recipes, from scratch dishes, and fresh milled breads on my blog! I’m so glad you are here!